Monday, January 23, 2012

Ditch the Summer Internship Competition

Going to school in New York gives Fordham students incredible access to almost every career field. While many undergraduates have to wait for the summer to relocate for industry internships, we are lucky to live in a city where job opportunities abound. As a recent article in US News and World Report article emphasizes, taking advantage of internships during the school year is a wise decision.
Because summer internships are the most popular, they are also the most competitive. If you’re applying for positions in a city, you’ll be vying against not only natives or students of local schools, but other young professionals who migrate after their spring semester lets out. Internships in the fall and spring have fewer candidates and may be more attainable and less competitive. This article talks about the careful planning needed if a student chooses to relocate for a semester internship. Once again, our school’s location comes to the rescue. We don’t have to risk withdrawing for several months in order to get an internship. We don’t have to move at all!
Internships during the school year can be a serious time constraint, even if they are in a convenient location. During the summer most students aren’t taking classes, or at least not a full load, so they have more time to devote to their work. Balancing an internship commitment with academics is one downside to semester programs, but these responsibilities can be manageable. Some semester positions require as little as 10 hours a week. Additionally, many organizations recognize the challenges students face during the school year and are willing to work around your schedule. Additionally, taking an internship for credit may allow you to cut back on your class load so you have more time to spend in the office.
One Fordham student was fortunate to have an internship last spring that was within walking distance of the Lincoln Center campus and required only 8-10 hours a week. Her supervisor allowed her to set her own schedule, and she managed to complete the internship while taking a full load of classes. Semester internships involve a balancing act that’s different for each student, but if possible, you should take advantage of Fordham’s amazing location, the reduced competition and Fordham’s for-credit internship opportunities, and consider interning in the fall or spring.
There are still several companies looking to hire Spring interns. If you are still interested in pursuing a Spring internship, check CareerLink, as new opportunities are posted daily.

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