Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Internship Experience at Sony Music Entertainment by Brittany Penichet

Depending on who you ask, some might say the music industry is failing, others might say, with artists like Adele; there will always be a music industry. To go into the entertainment industry, not just the music industry is already a risky move—since the entertainment industry is always changing. But for those who want to take that risk, it is better to go big or go home. That is why I decided to intern at one of the top three record labels in the world, and one of the most renowned companies worldwide: Sony.

One of the plus sides to working in an entertainment company like Sony, the office space is relaxed and casual. Additionally, generally the people working there mimic the office setting—meaning they are usually super chill and awesome to talk with. Since I worked in the music side of Sony, a lot of the office was decorated with pictures of the artists, as well as props the artists used, like 1D’s famous photo booth pictured below. As well as neat pictures made by well-known companies like Obey.

Like I said, deciding to enter this type of industry is a risk in itself; however, if you decide to take this risk, you won’t be disappointed with what you learn. I interned in the International Marketing department. Despite its name, I actually did more than just marketing; I was able to handle product information and higher level responsibility information. Of course this didn’t come in until later during my internship when I built a good relationship with my bosses and they knew that they could trust me. By working in this environment, I was able to practice and hone my “networking” skills, by not even realizing it. This environment was laid-back, so it was easy to build relationships with one another. Also, I was able to further my knowledge of excel, using analytic and organizational skills. Even though that sounds boring, I was also able to use creativity by helping choose quotes from major magazines for artists that would be later used for publicity etc. But all these types of jobs came to me because I always asked my three bosses if they ever needed help with anything, which showed I was willing to work and learn as much as possible.  


Doing internships, no matter what the industry/field, is important because it gives you real-world knowledge of what to expect in future jobs. School helps build a foundation for you to get internships, but school can’t teach you what your future job will be like. Only companies can, which means you need to intern. Doing an internship does take time and effort, but in the long run, it is worth it.

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