Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Cupcakes & Careers: A Meet and Greet

Come join LC's own Fordham Career Ambassadors for some Cupcakes and Coffee! Meet the Ambassadors and learn about what Career Services can do for you. Join us during lunch time for a cupcake -- you know you want one!

When: Thursday, December 6th
Time: 11:30am-12:30pm
Where: Student Lounge (behind the cafe on the Plaza level of Lowenstein)

**Afterwards, we'll be on tabling on the Plaza with cupcakes too -- so you can swing on by after 12:30 as well!


  1. Do you have to register for this event?

  2. If you’d like to add a sweat-free contribution to help destitute asylum-seekers, you can do so medical school help.
